Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bitten By the Bug - Bad

I have been bitten buy a bug and it is bad.  I have been bitten by the kayaking bug and have a bad case of kayaking fever!!  I went out and bought 3 new Pelican kayaks, so now my kids and I each have one.  The weather here in Michigan has been great so we have been spending a lot of time on the water.  Of course this has taken away some of my blogging time so sorry for the lack of posts.  I want to get some film of it but I am waiting to get a waterproof case for my camera.

Anyway, suffice it to say I have been getting in a good workout on the kayak.  It is really the best of both worlds in that it is fun, but also good exercise.  In fact it is so much fun, I usually forget that it is exercise--at least until the next day when I am stiff and sore!  In fact I am finding I am sore in places I didn't know you could be sore in LOL!  Are you finding any fun ways to get your exercise in??


  1. I've never tried a kayak but we liked the canoe trip we took in Austin a couple of weeks ago. I've always been afraid of the kayaks that you're enclosed in but I've thought the ones that you are sitting on top would be great. Keep having fun with your exercise! :)

    1. I know what you mean about being afraid of the enclosed ones. I was too until I tried my son's. I bought ones that are wide and stable with a large, open cockpit so I can get out easily. :-)

  2. Squash is a lot of fun... until you feel your arms the next day! It's just hard because you need a partner, and to make time for it over and above your normal exercise regime. Great that you are letting your kids do some fun exercise as well.

    1. Thanks for that idea, Remie. I never tried squash, but I always enjoyed racketball which I believe to be similar. Like you say, I seemed trying to find a compatible partner that had matching free time is not easy!!

  3. I'm laughing as I read this because my husband got himself a kayak years ago and we live in land-locked Kansas! I don't think it has gotten much use over the years. I am not a fan myself, I think because I have super-tight hamstrings and find it uncomfortable just to sit in a kayak. But on vacation I will suck it up and kayak with my guy.

  4. That is not a bad bug to be bitten by at all! Good on ya:)
