Saturday, July 21, 2012

Metal Detecting Can Be Addicting

Hi guys.  Sorry, I have not been posting much lately.  It is hard to spend time in front of the computer when the weather has been so nice!  However, I wanted to take a minute for a quick update.  I have been spending a lot of time enjoying the outdoors and being active.   I continue to enjoy kayaking and usually go for an evening paddle most days.  My endurance is even slowly improving.  Kayaking to where I used to get tired when I first started now doesn't even break a sweat!

 I have also been enjoying some new hobbies.  I decided I wanted to try treasure hunting or more commonly, metal detecting.   I didn't want to spend too much until I knew I liked the hobby, but I knew I didn't want to buy a crappy detector either.  So I bought myself a Garrett Ace 250 metal detector from Amazon.  So far I really enjoy it because it involves being outdoors and walking around which is good for weight loss.  So far I haven't found  a chest of buried gold treasure, but I have been finding coins!  Check out my vid for more...

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