Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Little Additions

 I am making some changes here and there in hopes of helping the old weight loss journey.  In addition to exercising just at night, I have decided to add a first thing in the morning session.  I plan to get in an additional 30-45 minutes on the elliptical and some weight lifting.  I will then have 12 hours between the night session instead of 24 hours in between sessions.  I do not know if this will work or not, so if you have any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them.  I love interacting through the comments with you!

I have also made a little addition to the blog.  On the right side under the "followers" section, I have added a section I ingeniously (LOL) titled "Paul's Dish O" the Week".  This is where I will have videos of me making some of my favorite dishes.  These meals are NOT intended to be for weight loss, but are just there for fun.  If you want to watch a guy that clearly has no skill cooking but enjoys the heck out of it anyways, then tune in.  You can even feel free to laugh along-- it wont hurt my feelings!  I just like to cook and am not trying to be professional about it at all!!!


  1. I'm no expert but make sure you don't burn out and give your muscles time to rest between working them. Nothing wrong with exercising twice a day as long as you aren't working the same muscles every day - we all need time to rebuild the muscles/strength.

    1. Great point Sandra! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Maybe I should do elliptical in the mornings then weights at night.

  2. I started an early morning workout several months ago. I love it. It is not a hard workout, but it is a lot of stretching and yoga and situps and stuff like that. I change it up every week. No real cardio stuff like I do later in the day. I really enjoy the quite time and feel I am doing something just for me and I love it. :) I think you should try it for a bit and see how it goes.

    1. You know Deanna, I think that is a great idea. I have a mat and need to do some simple stuff like situps. I have been totally over looking that. Tomorrow morning, I will be on the floor trying to do some sit ups. I only hope I will be able to get up off the floor after I'm done!!

    2. How did it go? where you able to get back up?

    3. You know, not only was I able to get up, I was surprisingly able to do 15 sit ups. I know it is not a world record, but for me it has been 30 years since I did one!!!

  3. I love your "Paul's Dish O' the Week" section. I also have no skills in the kitchen, so it'll be good to see someone like me cook! LOL

  4. Thanks Tim! Too many people try to be too precise in the kitchen. I am more of the "a little of this and a little of that" approach!! After all, we are not trying to split atoms here--I have found the recipes I like the best are cheap and easy.

  5. I think two workouts a day is great if you can keep that up. Muscles need 48h between each strength workout though. Otherwise they don't get to rebuild as much as they can/should. :)

    1. Thanks , Maren. No worries, if I miss a day here and there that is alright by me. I am determined to have a fun time on my journey. I am going to rotate between different exercises. As always, I appreciate your comments!

  6. When I first started my Journey i was doing exercises Morning, Mid afternoon, After supper.. I felt great, I had to slow it down a bit because of my life but.. None the less its possible :) Try it out if you cant tackle it just keep doing what your doing now!

    1. Wow three times a day, that is awesome. That is like the Hollywood stars that can workout all day. LOL. Today was my first day and so far so good!

  7. I love the Dish of the Week idea!

  8. Nothing wrong with doing cardio twice a day, in fact, I'm going to try to start doing that a few times a week myself. It has major major boosts to your metabolism. Think about these options -

    A) Do one hour of cardio once a day - your metabolism is up after your workout
    B) Do 30 minutes of cardio twice a day - you now experience the post-workout metabolism peak TWICE

    I've read a bit about this, and everything I've seen points to more workouts equally more bang for your buck.
