Friday, November 11, 2011

That Four Letter Word

I hate that four letter word!  I hate seeing it!  I hate hearing it!  And I really, really hate saying it.  It seemed like yesterday, everywhere I went I keep hearing it or seeing it and couldn't get away from it.  Even from my own kids!!!  What's the world coming to??  And to top it off, here I am writing about it.  Well right now in these parts, the world seems to be coming to winter and fast.  We had our first SNOW of the season.  If yesterday is an indication of what is in store, we may be in for a doosey of a winter.   It was coming down hard and fast.  The flakes were huge like goose feathers.  At one point it was coming down so hard that I couldn't see the shore across the lake.  Usually the first snow of the season will simply be a few flurries.  Let's hope this is a fluke and not a warning.  Snow, do you love it or hate it?


  1. Personally i'm not a fan of snow because everything seems to come to a halt and there is always an accident on the roads.

  2. I LOVE snow but only because we rarely get it in my city in the South of England because it's one of the warmest parts of the country.

    We get a lot of snow in Scotland and in the North of England but the further down you go, the less it appears. When it does appear though the whole of England comes to a standstill because we don't have the equipment to deal with it like other countries do.

  3. I gave you an award. Go see on my blog!
    I just moved from the snow. I have mixed feelings. The places that have snow are so beautiful. It is a cold price to pay but many of the lakes, rivers, and mountains are lovely.

  4. @ Sarah With Love I hate driving on icy and snowy roads. I used to drive to work over an hour each way and the winter weather would double my drive time. Plus, hitting ice is SCARY!!!

  5. @Tim I hear that is what happens in our South when they get some snow. I have never lived in the south, but my understanding is often everything shuts down and the people empty the shelves at the grocery stores.

  6. @Bluezy Thank you so much. You are too kind. I will start thinking of my answers...and I will try not to bore everyone!!!

  7. Snow.. sigh. I have to tell you that where I grew up ... we had too much snow. I'm taking shoulder hight kind of show. I hate it so much I can't even begin to tell you. :p Snowy, slippery, wet, cold, icy... hell!

  8. @Maren Whoa, shoulder height snow, that's crazy. Here I thought Michigan winters were bad. As far as I am concerned, I think snow should be banned after Christmas.

  9. Wow, snow!!! It feels like winter is back here in Australia. This entire week has been cold and rainy instead of lovely sunny spring weather. I even had to put the gas heater on yesterday (I think it was approx 16 degrees celcius). How cold is it out your way?

  10. @ The Thin seeker Well as I write this it is 13 C which is pretty nice. Are you saying you are going into spring as we go into winter???
