Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weight Loss Nuggets From the Newbie

Well it's true I'm a dieting newbie.  Just seven weeks in and still wet behind the ears as they say.  That being said, if you are an experienced dieter, you may want to tune out as I am sure you know all this stuff already.  This is just a post of a few simple truths I want to record.

  • There are different types of eating.  There is emotional eating.  For example, sometimes I eat if I am frustrated.  Sometimes I eat if I am bored.  Being frustrated or bored is not a good reason to eat.  Try not to do it.  Remember how much work on the elliptical it will take to burn off that frustration snack!!!  Sometimes I eat for a social gathering like going to a restaurant with the family.  This to me is a gray area and a little tricky.  I think as long as I do good  the majority of my dieting time, I think this social aspect is OK.  The jury is still out on this for me.
  • Do not be a diet snob.  Find a diet that is right for you and that you like so you will stick with it.  However understand that what is right for you may not be right for someone else.  If someone else's diet is to only eat pineapples while standing on their heads-that's OK.  (Actually that is the way some of these new diets sound to me).  Wish them success and mean it.  There is no need to try to convert people to your diet.
  • Do not take yourself too seriously.  Even if you lose all the weight you want, hit and stay at your goal weight, we are all going to die.  Even skinny people.  A snack once in a while (maybe as a reward for doing well on your diet) is not going to kill you.  Maybe it will help you stay on your diet long term instead of being too strict and falling off the diet wagon for good.  
  • Have fun.  Life is just too short not to enjoy it even if on a diet.  If you are not having fun; stop, re-evaluate, and make changes until it is fun again.  
Have you found any nuggets you would like to share????


  1. Great post!

    I'm also a newbie, being just four weeks in.. But I think that what I've come to realize more is that .. I have to ask myself when I'm at the verge of slipping: what do I want the most, to be healthy and happy, or the chocolate bar?

    I then manage to put it away :)

  2. This is not like getting over a cold and going back to life as it was. Permanent weight loss means permanent changes. We must be very careful about "deserving" extra food or "having fun once in a while". Those times can become increasingly closer together and the weight will creep back on.

  3. It's all a learning experience, it's constantly changing for me. I find I have to tweak my strategy, depending on the situation. I have to beware of rewarding myself with "treats" it can quickly get out of hand!

  4. Good post!! I love the "we're all going to die anyway" - so true. I am so sick of hearing how much longer we'll all live. Not true - but being at a healthy weight, surely we'll enjoy our lives MUCH better!

  5. @Maren Yes the pleasure of the chocolate bar is fleeting indeed. As the saying here goes, "Once on the lips, forever on the hips".

  6. @downsizers I love the it's not like a cold analogy! Thanks for the warning.

  7. @Fatoutofskinny I have to agree this is indeed a learning experience. I can see the possibility of treats getting out of hand. After all, that is how I got this fat to start with.

  8. ❀❀ Dawn (Lay Down My Idols) ❀❀ As I am getting older (maybe wiser), I find that I am embracing the simple enjoyment of life while trying to weed out as many stresses, hassles, and negatives that preclude it.

  9. I don't have any tips, but I wanted to let you know this is a great post! :)

  10. I think you're spot on with your post especially the last one. It's important to make sure you enjoy doing what you're doing otherwise it makes dieting/getting fit twice as difficult which causes people to give up or lose motivation.

    If I find that I no longer have fun doing a certain exercise, I make sure I stop doing it and focus on something new.
