Friday, November 2, 2012

Something Really Scary

Now that Halloween is over, let me tell you something that is REALLY scary: I have put on much of the weight I had lost.  Yep, and it sucks.  All of the effort wasted.  Well, I just have to get back to the healthy choices that I was making like eating smaller portions and juicing for a meal several times a week.  I was going fine until I started back eating bread.  It seems for me carbs are the real problem.  So I guess you will be seeing more weight loss content in the near future.  Of course instead of the tasty Halloween candy that always seems to find its way into the house, I will have to remember...check it out...Have you ever been a yo-yo dieter?


  1. I am going through the same thing. I was so close to goal and I blew it. I am trying to turn my eating around every day. I will do it and I know you can too. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all slip at times.

    1. Thanks Katrin. It is just frustrating to know the effort that was spent wasn't enough to do the job. All we can do is go forward one day at a time while still enjoying life too!!

  2. You know, Paul, I think most of us (if not all) who have "dieted" have been yo-yo dieters - until we learn that in order to be successful at long-term weight loss, we need to do whatever we need to do (journal, WI, accountability etc.) for life, and more importantly, for health. Somehow we (I) get this idea that once we see success, we'll never gain it back but it's so far from reality. Some people have to stay away from bars, others from casinos, others from stores - and some people need to make rules or parameters for themselves around and with food in order to stay successful and healthy. It's not easy for sure. But you know your honestly in being here for accountability and admitting that you have re-gained some weight - says a lot! There are many, many bloggers who disappear and I find that really sad. KOKO (keep on keeping on)!!

    1. Thanks for your words, Dawn. I sure do know what you are talking about with bloggers going away. I do hate it when there is no explanation, or the blog just dies. Sometimes, I just run out of things to say--or time of course! Anyways thanks for reading!!!

  3. Sadly, I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to get off a significant regain myself.

    1. It is indeed hard, Lori. I know what to do, but am not usually willing to make the sacrifices needed to lose consistently.

  4. So interesting that I looked at this today. I took a step back myself from doing all the things that got me to a healthy place. I stopped counting calories, stopped meditating, stopped writing. All things I know keep me centered.

    How did that work out for me? Not so well actually.

    Maybe it's a good thing though to stumble, regroup, and get back on the right path. Thanks for sharing Paul...

    1. It is a hard journey, Traci. No doubt about it. The only thing I know to do is to restart again and again. For me, I have to reverse a lifelong pattern of overeating so I know it is not going to be easy. Thank you for taking the time to comment!
