Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weight Loss Update Good News and Bad News

Well winter is picking up steam here in Michigan.  The water on the lake is in a constant battle between freezing and thawing.  In my linked video you can see it.  Of coarse the ground alternates day to day from white to green, and Christmas lights twinkle through the neighborhood at night.

Today is my Week 13 weigh in.  I showed a loss of 2 pounds for the week for a current weight of 286.  In my video I confess to not eating the best this week, but how juicing may have covered up for my wrongs.  I plan to do a future post on my juicing adventures so far.

Hope you all are doing well and are having fun gearing up for the holidays.  Has the holiday cooking/baking bug hit you yet this season??


  1. Looking forward to hear more about the juicing :)

  2. i love juicing! i've been doing it for months now and found that it helps as a meal replacer. I use this as a (cheating) method of squeezing in all my daily servings of vegetables. Since then my skin has cleared up and not as oily too.

  3. @MichelleMarie I too use it as a meal replacer and have found it works surprisingly well!

  4. Congratulations on the loss, Paul.
