Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Composition Editor" Box on Blogger

Two posts in one day--a record!  This is slightly off topic but I know many of you use Blogger.  Sorry, but I have to vent!  Is anyone else as annoyed by the composition editor box that always pops up when writing a post now on Blogger.  I hate it.  I even wrote a whole post about hating it over on my internet blog if you are interested.  Maybe if enough people complain they will change it.  Maybe it is just me?  Let me know what you think.


  1. I haven't noticed any composition editor box??

    1. Really? It is only when you are writing a post. Maybe it is because I use Chrome for a browser? It started a week ago. I see a lot of others complaining about it also. Do you use Chrome or something else?

    2. I have no idea what Chrome is and I don't know what a composition editor box is either. It sounds like it is good to not be in the know on this subject. :)

    3. You are right, you are not missing out LOL! However, Chrome is Google's free browser and it's really nice. I love it. This is something that just started. I think the box helps you find your cursor or something. but it's a nuisance.

  2. Nothing pops up for me either!

  3. The "composition editor" box does not appear when using IE. But, then, there is no spell check for comments, either. I only use Chrome when I use my blog. Otherwise I use IE. I like it better.

    I don't remember right now, but I think there are other benefits to useing Chrom for the blog. If that hideously annoying box continues, tho, I may go back to chancing comments with typos just to avoid it!


    1. Interesting, you like IE better. I remember when Chrome first came out it seemed so much faster than all the others. Now maybe they have caught up.

      I am glad I am not the only person that had THE BOX lol.

  4. I only use Firefox and do not know anything about the composition editor box.

    1. OK, I'll bet it is a Chrome specific problem. I haven't used Firefox for a while. I may go back to that.

  5. When they started the new word verification, I tweeted about it, hoping that if enough buzz was out there they'd react. And maybe it worked because the verifications are still long and two words but at least the took of the background contrast!

    1. Yes, I remember they were near impossible to read. I learned to just turn them off from your excellent post

  6. i havent noticed it either.... i wonder if its only if you use the new blogger interface. i do not like change so i always opt for the old one :-)

  7. I don't notice anything different about blog posting. Saw you were following me so I stopped by to say hi.

  8. Thanks for following me! Oh I haven't noticed anything different either.

  9. I agree. It's an annoyance - like a mosquito.
