Monday, May 21, 2012

Finally, it is DONE!

Today I finally worked up the courage to hit the publish button for my new ebook Scrawlings of a Fat Man.  It is available at Amazon for .99 cents for Kindle.  Although I know most of you are much more tech savvy than me, I just learned you do not need a Kindle to view Kindle books.  There is a free download from Amazon that lets you view Kindle books on either your PC or Mac.   I never knew this!!  It is so cool because there are even some free books available.  It works really well and the books just come right into your computer in no time!  The wonders of technology.  Wow, I must really be getting old lol.

This was the first book I have ever written so don't be too harsh of a critic if you waste a dollar, support your old friend and fellow weight loss blogger LOL.  The way I see it, even a surgeon has to have had a first patient at some time.

I wrote this book because I really do like sharing the trials and triumphs of my weight loss journey.  I am the first to admit I am no expert, however I think there are some valuable tips and ideas in there.  I also think there is a certain audience that will buy a book, but would never find this blog.  If I can help motivate one person to start or to stay on the road to being healthier, it will have been worth the effort.  Thanks as always for your continued support and readership.  Please let me know what you think, whether good or bad for a first try...Scrawlings of a Fat Man


  1. Congratulations! I will certainly support you! You are giving me the courage to publidh my wright loss blog which is on as a book. Once again congrats! Keep up the great work. You are an indpiration!

    1. Thanks you, Terri. I am really glad to hear that! If you have any questions on it, feel free to ask.

  2. Just downloaded it, hopefully I will get to reading it today. I will post a review on my blog :)
    Congrats Paul!

    1. That sounds great...but remember, I am a beginner so be kind LOL.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. lol...excuse the typos...I was on my phone. I'll be sure to touch base with you. :)

  3. <-------- It's done!

  4. Hi Mary, I just circled you on G+. Hey, if you review it, remember I am a newbie lol!! Please leave a link for your blog here so everyone can check it out. I didn't happen to see it on your G+ page. Thanks for stopping by.
