Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Non Scale Victory Over the Long Weekend

Well the long holiday weekend is over and I am pretty pleased with myself over my performance.  I think over all, I was mindful of proper portions.  I had one SMALL piece of chocolate cake.  That to me is a huge victory in that I was able to keep it under control and not eat most of the whole darn cake!

I think I did well on the exercise side also.  I was outdoors  often which is a good thing.  I went for walks and was swimming.  I even started a new exercise activity.  I want to make a video about it before I let on what it is!!

I also was able to get in a fair amount of fishing with a little bit of catching.  The following video was filmed by my 11 year old son.  He started filming his lures when I unexpectantly got one and he was able to get it on film!  Fun times!  Did you have a good weekend?  What did you do for fun??


  1. Sounds like a GREAT long weekend!

  2. You did great. I have a hard time having a small portion of something like that. It's actually easier for me not to take a single bite. Keep up the good work. :)

    1. I know what you mean. I just wanted to see if I could do it. It is certainly safer not to have a single bite!

  3. Yes, every weekend should be a 3 day weekend!!

  4. Celebrate the little victories!! love it!

    1. I have to celebrate the little ones because I don't have any big ones lol.
