Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Let's Wobble Over

I wanted to take a minute to say a heart-felt thank you to each and every one of my readers.  In such a busy world, I keenly appreciate the time you invest when to stop by to read what I have written.  I especially want to say thank you to those that have purchased my book, Scrawlings of a Fat Man for 99 cents.  It has really been a shot of encouragement to this newbie writer.

Today, I want to feature a fellow weight loss blogger who took the time to do a very nice review of my book on her blog.  Her blog is called Blog Wobble.   She is an Aussie and a great writer as is evidenced by this post that recounts her history with being teased and uncomfortable with her body.  I got her permission to share her review of Scrawlings of a Fat Man here:

"I have been following Paul's blog for a while now. I can't even remember how we stumbled across each other, but we did and here I am today with a wonderful opportunity.
Paul has written a book about his journey.....
And I am going to review it :D (Yay!!)

Imagine how amazed and really quite proud I was when I woke this morning, opened my google reader with my morning coffee and saw this post, Finally It's Done!
Needless to say, I went straight to Amazon to download it. I finally got to reading it this afternoon. I wasn't disappointed.

Scrawlings of a Fat Man is insightful, informative and relatable.
I started this journey 1 week after Paul started his. We have a lot in common when it comes to our views on it.
I would admit, I feel like an old pro at this whole weight loss thing after years of attempts, and yet I still learned so much from this book. Seeing it from another's point of view, so clearly, I found it well written and enjoyable.
Scrawlings of a Fat Man is informative for both beginners on this journey and seasoned pro's. As an experienced hand I could identify with everything that was written and still I learned a few new things reading his helpful hints and useful tips."

I really appreciate Blog Wobble for not only buying Scrawlings of a Fat Man, but for taking the time to write such a kind review.  Let's all wobble over and check out her blog!!


  1. I found your blog through Blog Wobble - looking forward to getting the book! Good for you!!! :-) :-)

    1. Thanks Kelliann for stopping by and for the comment!!

  2. great blog! thanks Paul!

    and I can't wait to read your e-book!

    1. Thank you. If you get it, just remember I am a beginner and just learning!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog Paul. You have a great blog. Congrats on your ebook. This is all pretty new to me and never would have even thought of that. I am finding that blogging really helps keep me accountable with the weight loss and am also finding a lot of interesting people with the same goals. I am your newest follower on GFC and twitter.

  4. Thanks for stopping by! I'm now following you too. :)
